Tuesday, June 24, 2008

NorCoast surf -- a road trip

Two weeks ago I drove up the Northern California and Oregon coastline with Australian surfer Belinda Baggs-Peterson. Last year I had traveled a bit with Belinda and her husband, Dane Peterson, during a photo trip for Patagonia in Australia. Sonnie Trotter, Will Stanhope, Paul Bride and I took them rock climbing, while Dane and Belinda showed the climbers a thing or two about surfing. If you've ever had the privilege to watch them surf or seen them practice their art on a longboard in surf films such as Sprout, it is a lesson in style and grace that you won't soon forget.

Belinda and I didn't score any epic waves on the trip, but it was good to explore sections of coast I had never seen and discover a few remote breaks along the way. This was Belinda's first time to both Northern California and Oregon, as well as her introduction to cold water with the full gloves/hood/booties setup! Here are a few images...


Christian said...

Some of my favorite surfers... They are so chill.

Luca l'Alpinauta said...

i like your photos. are special